These two last years have been intense with work and achievements.
Apart from the usual editorial illustrations for the the Imperia New Magazine
my book "La Cosa Importante" came out .
It was shown at the Fiera del Libro di Imperia in June 2012.
I wrote the text and drew the illustrations. I did also the graphic of the book. It is about Soul and the place it goes after life.
I had the honour to have my work presented at the local Public Library by Professor Leo Lecci , Professor of Contemporary Art at the University of Genoa
foto di Marie France Durando |
In May 2013 the second edition of my first illustrated book was presented at the Public Library of Sanremo and Ventimiglia.
Ten years ago I had published with Fabrizio Vincitorio, school teacher and writer, a collection of children poems Un Giro di Giostra. It had been a good success, and the edition was sold out. Two years ago another publishing house asked us the permission to republish the collection and I worked hard at the new edition, with illustration for each poem ( the previous edition had only 10 illustrations)
Here are some of the poem titles:
Why do we need a heart?
Past Perfect and Future Tenses
for this poem on grammar tenses I created a pencil riding an Italian "Vespa"
The Windy Village
for this poem we made the other way round:
the poem was composed getting inspiration from one of my illustrations for the New Magazine Imperia
Planet Fair
There is no way to arrive to , nor leave Neptune...

The Light Cloud
This was the first poem I illustrated. It is the story of a chimney with a sore throat.
I have really loved to illustrate these poems, they are beautifully simple.
The last poem of the collection is about a drop of seawater.
In a sea of drops,
a drop of sea,
what shall it do?
It shall be lulled
by light and blue waves,
carried away
by every current
on the far away thread
of horizon,
the past
and present,
being nothing
being everything
....translation by me (I worked as a translator for many should not be too bad!)
And this is the cover of the second edition
This last book was published this year
It was the collection of various authors' works.
Since 2001 I have been drawing the cover of the Imperia New Magazine (see
PUBLISHED WORKS). About 80 original works have appeared on the cover, and one year ago we put up a competition on the magazine asking authors to write an essay or a story inspired by one of those covers. . The nicest were put together and published.
Last but not least, here is a personal project of mine. The Stories of Oreste, my birdy character and his friends.